Predictive Cartomancy

Cartomancy Body Connection

On the subject of health readings, it is extremely important to keep in mind that unless you are a licensed health professional it is against the law in most countries (including the US) to diagnose a health problem or prescribe a health treatment. When I am asked to pick up on a health related issue, I always advise the client that I’m willing to see what the cards show, but that cannot diagnose or prescribe. The client needs to see a health professional to discuss any health concerns.

This list of Cartomany body connections is derived from several sources including The Card Reader’s Handbook by Regina Russell, It’s Written in the Cards by Dr. Leo Louis Martello, and meanings derived from my own experiences working with the cards.

These meanings have proven time and again to be accurate in my own readings:

Diamonds = Nervous system, sensory, energy
♠ Spades = Bones, elimination
♣ Clubs = Muscles, glandular system
Hearts = Circulation, reproduction

Skin = A ♣
Head/brain = 9
Nervous system = 6
Ears/hearing = 7
Eyes/vision = 8
Mouth/throat = 5
Teeth = 2 ♠
Neck/shoulders = 3 ♠
Lungs/chest = 10
Heart = 9 ♥
Circulatory system = 10
Blood = 3
Genitals 2
Breasts = 5 (sometimes 2)
Arms/elbows = 5 ♣
Hands = 6 ♣
Left hand = 5 ♠
Right hand = 5
Stomach = 2
Reproductive system = 4 ♥
Kidneys/bladder = 10 ♣
Digestive tract = 10 ♠
Lower back/colon = 6 ♠
Knee/ankle = 5 ♠
Liver 4 ♠
Legs = 2 ♣
Feet = 7 ♣

Other Health Related Card meanings:

A ♠ = mental, psychological problems
2 ♠ = dental
3 ♠ = disease, test, x-ray
4 ♠ = illness, exhaustion, depression, need for rest
5 ♠ = medical procedure/surgery
8 ♠ = seeing a doctor
7 ♠ = relapse, need for caution, slow recovery
9 ♠ = stress, deterioration, age-related illness
A ♣ = hospital
5 ♣ = walking, activity
6 ♣ = exercise
A = diagnosis, prescription
2 = diet, food
3 = laziness, not taking care of oneself.
4 = medical bill, insurance papers
5 = speech
6 = nervousness
7 = hearing
8 = vision
9 = energy work, Reiki
10 = breathing, respiratory problem, allergy

Sample health reading

The client is a middle-aged woman who is complaining about pain in her legs. She had been to see her doctor and a series of tests and exams showed nothing significantly wrong. The woman refused to accept the suggestion that the problem could be psychological.

Question: “What is the cause of the pain in my legs?”

6♣ 10♥ 5♣
9♠   4♠   7♦

The first column shows that up to this point there has been some muscle deterioration, and a general lack of exercise.

The middle column answers the question and shows a problem with slow blood circulation. The medical tests did not show any blockages, but it seems that the client’s sedentary lifestyle is the cause of the discomfort she is experiencing.

The final column provides additional information not yet considered. It shows that a bit more activity will improve the situation greatly. The 7 as the pivot card confirms that there is nothing seriously wrong, and advises that the client needs to begin expending some energy if she wants to improve her health condition.


  1. Hi, what cards are in the first colum? the photo is hidden

  2. Hi, the cards are shown above the interpretation. First column is 6♣️ Above and 9♠️ Below. The rows are not read, only the columns.

    1. Thank you so much for all the information you share! I thought that there were 3 rows. I would be happy if you keep posting. Its the best source ive ever seen about cartomancy!

  3. Thanks for guidance. I wanna learn from your directly.
