Predictive Cartomancy

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Art of Cartomancy Classic Cartomancy Course

Are you interested in studying Cartomancy with me?

I am proud to announce I will be teaching with the World Divination Association in 2020. My page is up and running and we are taking registrations now!

Places are limited – book your place today!

My new courses available are:

Le Vera Sibilla Level 2 (January)
Classic Cartomancy Level 1 (March)

Both are live in a Facebook Classroom and you have me on hand to work through all exercises during the week. You also receive a World Divination Association certificate on completion!

You will receive free 12mth Membership with the World Divination Association.

Join me at the WDA and let’s divine together!


  1. Are you covering health readings in level one? Interested in learning about the significators.
    Thank you

  2. Hello, Signee. The health meanings are included in level 1, but specific instruction on health readings is part of level 2. I appreciate your interest. 😊

  3. Replies
    1. Hello, Soraya! I appreciate your interest! You can find all of the information about the course at the following link:

  4. I am very interested in both classes in relation to health. I registered under my husbands email Curtis17@, however, all correspondence should be through me: I contacted Toni pulhe but haven’t heard back from her. Just don’t want to miss the link in March. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, Signee! I'm happy you are joining me for the Cartomancy course. I am still working on the finishing touches for the course, and I will make it a point to include a sample health reading. Toni is a very busy lady. I'm sure she will get back with you soon. In the meantime, I will be sure to update the course information on the blog, so no worries about missing the link. :)
