Predictive Cartomancy

Monday, September 30, 2019

The Wish Card: 9 of Hearts

The Wish Card - the 9 of Hearts

I get a lot of questions about the Wish Card, the 9 of Hearts, and how it interacts with other cards in a spread. This morning I thought I would post some specific information on how the 9 of Hearts works for me, and highlight a few common combinations that seem to occur repeatedly in my readings.

The cards always seem to accentuate the positive, and the wish card never appears simply to indicate that a wish does not come true.  When the 9 of Hearts shows up in a reading, it always means you get your wish.  The position of the wish card in relation to surrounding cards will modify, but never completely nullify, its meaning. The card following the wish card will often describe what you wish for, but it can also highlight any obstacles or delays to getting what you desire.

The Wish Card with Spades:

When the 9 of Hearts is followed or topped by a spade, it indicates that the wish is delayed, or that there are obstacles to overcome before the wish can be granted. The Spade following the wish card can also mean that you get your wish, but your wish does not make you happy. As they say, "Be careful what you wish for!" The surrounding cards will describe the situation in greater detail.

The 9 of Hearts followed by the 10 of Spades will indicate that the querent is afraid that the wish will come true, and may be blocking the wish on a subconscious level.  It’s possible that a person may want something wholeheartedly, and yet be terrified by the prospect of having the thing desired.  This combination denotes that the wish will eventually materialize, but some internal work must be done first to clear the way.

The 9 of Hearts + 10 of Spades can also reveal “deservability” issues.  The querent may desire the wish, but because he or she does not feel deserving of the dream, a lack of prosperity consciousness may block or delay the flow of abundance.  In order to speed the manifestation of the wish, the querent would need to work on removing the mental or emotional blocks to success.

Another very common combination is the 9 of Hearts followed by the 9 of Spades.  The 9 of Spades represents a disappointment, or things not turning out exactly as planned.  This combination indicates that you still get your wish, but but not in the way you had hoped or expected. The 9 of Spades. can also indicate forces that are out of one’s control, and may denote that karmic influences are at work.  When the 9 of Spades influences the wish card it usually means there is some kind of karmic lesson involved which will promote spiritual and emotional growth.

The 9 of Hearts followed by the 3 of Spades usually denotes that the person cannot decide on what to wish for.  The querent may have several conflicting desires, and may be unable to focus on one particular wish.  This combination can also indicate that the querent really does not know what he or she wants out of life.  Sometimes the cards surrounding this combination will help the querent crystallize the true heart’s desire.

The Wish Card with Clubs:

Clubs represent work, and progress through effort.  When the 9 of Hearts is followed or topped by a club, it indicates that some effort may be required on the part of the querent in order to fully manifest the desire.

The 5 of Clubs represents taking action, and going after whatever is desired.  The 9 of Hearts followed by the 5 of Clubs will indicate that the wish is within reach, and that success rest in the querent’s own hands.  This combination indicates that the querent has the willpower and confidence to overcome any obstacle to reaching the desired goal.  The manifestation of the dream will require some effort, but all that is need is for the querent to go after whatever is desired.

The Wish Card with Diamonds:

Diamonds represent energy and movement.  When the 9 of Hearts is followed or topped by a well-meaning diamond, it indicates that the wish is already on the way to materializing.  All of the necessary conditions are in place to support the manifestation of the querent’s dream. The Diamonds are also money cards, and this combination can also show that the querent wishes for financial abundance.

The 9 of Hearts followed by the 3 of Diamonds can indicate wishy-washy feelings regarding the wish. The person isn't prepared to put in the necessary work to achieve the desired goal.

The 9 of Hearts followed by the 8 of Diamonds indicates that the querent wishes for financial freedom.

The 9 of Hearts followed by the 9 of Diamonds will indicate that the querent’s wish is tied up with someone else’s desires, and another person will be instrumental in helping the querent realize his or her dream. Sometimes this combination can denote a shared dream, or that someone else is completely supportive of the querent’s needs and desires.

The Wish Card with Hearts:

Hearts represent love and happiness, pleasure and peace of mind.  When the 9of Hearts is followed or topped by another Heart, it indicates that the wish will manifest exactly as the querent hopes and dreams.

The 10 of Hearts represents emotional security, marriage, love, and happiness.  The 9 of Hearts followed by the 10 of Hearts is arguably the very best combination of cards possible.  It will indicate that you get your wish and live happily ever after.

The Wish Card with a Face Card:

The Face Cards (Court Cards) most often represent the people in the querent’s life, and how they affect important events.  When the 9 of Hearts is topped or followed by a Face Card, it indicates that the person represented by the Court Card will play an important role in the manifestation of the querent’s wish. Sometimes this combination can show that the querent is actually wishing on a particular person.

If the Court Card is a Spade, it may indicate a rival, or someone who is interfering with the querent’s wish.  The 9 of Hearts + Queen of Spades or King of Spades may reveal that the querents dream lover is already attached to someone else, or that the dream job belongs to another.  In this case, the cards will indicate that you get your dream lover or dream job, but not necessarily the exact person or position you were hoping for…

Do We Always Get Our Wish?

Yes, the 9 of Hearts will always denote that the wish comes true, but sometimes the wish card will represent the bigger picture, and not our own self-limiting desires.  For example, a few years ago we were in the market for a new home.  We fell in love with a particular house, and placed a bid for purchase.  I pulled a few cards to see whether or not the cards supported the deal, and I got the Ace of Hearts followed by the 9 of Hearts.  The obvious interpretation is that the home would be ours.

Well, we were outbid for the house we wanted, and lost the deal.  Not more than a week later, we got first bid on another home that was far better suited to our needs. It was larger, but less expensive than the previous house.  Within 3 days we signed the mortgage and took possession.  The cards had predicted that I would have the exact home I wanted.  I simply had not yet met my dream home at the time of the reading!


  1. Hi, I have a question about the 9 of Hearts. What if in the context of reading a line of cards it doesn't seem to relate to your wish at all? Does that still mean that your wish comes true on a deeper layer or does it still depend on the context of the line reading? Thank you...

  2. What if the 9 of heart follows the 10 of hearts?

  3. Hello :).

    Would the Queen of Spades+9 of Hearts (I received 2 clubs, 2 spades and it ends in 9H) still get her "wish" despite the answer being negative?

    What if the 9H ends the string? Also, the QS+9H combo. would it mean that the QS represents myself and that I am the one attached to someone else since it's in reverse order of the one you interpreted?

    I didn't ask about a specific person though. Hope u can help!

    Thanks in advance xx
