Predictive Cartomancy

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Character Reading - The Dilemma Spread

This is an old archived post that never got moved to my current Art of Cartomancy blog. It illustrates the Dilemma Spread, a simple layout that can be used to provide insight into two distinct options, rather than simply predict the outcome of two different paths. When a consultant is faced with a difficult decision, I find it helpful to explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of each option before attempting to predict which choice would be the more beneficial. The consultant can then make an educated decision based on all the information available from the cards.

The following reading is for a 27 year old woman who is dating two men. She has been seeing one man for several years, and has recently met the second man. Neither man knows of the other. The consultant fears that if she does not make the decision to continue with one man, and end her relationship with the other, she could lose both. Her dilemma is that she cannot decide on the right man. She thinks she is in love with one man, and she is convinced that the other man is the perfect one for her. She is afraid to make the wrong choice.

Comparing Options

I suggested the Dilemma Spread to see if the cards could provide insight into each man’s character, and help her to decide which was the better–more compatible– choice for her.

I asked the consultant for the first name of each man. The first name she gave me was “Jason,” so Jason is represented by the cards in the top branch of the spread. Then she named “Daniel” who is represented by the bottom branch.

The Ace of Spades is the card that represents a troubled mind, and the need for a decision or choice. I purposely chose the Ace as significator to represent the consultant's dilemma. Then I had the consultant draw three cards for the top branch of the spread, and finally three cards for the bottom branch.

First Impressions

My first impression of the reading was that both branches begin with a Court Card. I love when I see patterns and symmetry in a reading because it assures me that the cards are speaking to me directly– trying to get my attention. The Court Cards can denote personality types, confirming that the cards are responding to my question for insight into each man’s character.

My second impression was that both branches end in money cards (Diamonds). This suggested to me that financial security is an important factor the consultant looks for in a man. These cards represent the men in her life, but they are her cards, and they reflect her values. After all, the focus of the reading is really about her choice.

Top Branch: Jason

Looking at the top branch, I noticed that Jason is represented by only Diamonds. This suggests to me that he is a restless spirit, not the kind to settle in one place for long. He is a sensory seeker, easily bored, always looking for something  new to occupy his keen mind. He’s probably super intelligent, but he may lack the grounding necessary to put his ideas to practical use.

The Queen of Diamonds tells me that he values women in general, and the consultant in particular. The 2 of Diamonds suggests that he also values his freedom. He isn’t the type to form a lasting commitment, or to settle down for long.  The 2 of Diamonds also talks of a generous nature with material things, but the 6 of Diamonds suggests limited resources. He probably doesn’t have much money, and earns just enough to get by. The consultant confirmed that Jason has not yet settled on a career. He is a hard worker, but he gets bored and does not stay in any job for very long. She worried about his financial prospects.

The 6 of Diamonds could also suggest a possessive nature, someone with an innate understanding of human psychology, and an ability to manipulate others. When I glanced again at the Queen of Diamonds, it read to me more like this man values women as possessions. The consultant became a little defensive with this line of inquiry, so I made my point and dropped it. She did admit, however, that Jason does not have the emotional stability or financial prospects that she looks for in a partner, but she sees his potential. It struck me that this was the man she had recently met, and with whom she thought she was in love. She confirmed that he was.

Bottom Branch: Daniel

Daniel is represented by a Heart, a Club and a Diamond. I could immediately see that he is a more well-rounded individual with a more balanced personality. If we include the Ace, all four suits are represented to describe him: Spades = Mind, Hearts = Soul (emotions), Clubs = Body, and Diamonds = Spirit (energy).

The King of Hearts describes him as a loving man. He is romantic, good husband material, a good father who will protect and provide for his family. The King of Hearts can be a dreamer, but the 3 of Clubs grounds him. It shows that Daniel is a dependable individual with a giving nature. He is understanding, and always ready to help and support those in need. Daniel has strong spiritual values (10 of Diamonds) and a practical approach to life (3 of Clubs). He has direction, he knows who he is, and what he wants to accomplish in life.

The 10 of diamonds is a card of success, and an indication that Daniel’s focus is on money and career. With the 3 of Clubs we see that he is building toward his financial future. This man is destined for success, and he needs a stable and loving family to make it all worthwhile. The consultant agreed that Daniel can provide her with emotional stability and  financial security she looks for in a partner. This is the man the consultant has been dating for several years, and she seems bored with the relationship.

Summary: So which man is the better choice?

Well, the answer really depends on what the consultant wants from a relationship. Life with Jason would be unpredictable, fast and exciting– restricted only by the limits of his financial means.  The downside is that the consultant may risk being treated more like a possession than as a partner, and it could be a long time before Jason is ready to settle down.  If, on the other hand, the consultant is looking for a stable relationship with a man who is family oriented and ready to settle down and create his family fortune, Daniel would make the better choice. The downside is that Daniel may be too predictable, and his current focus may be too much on work, and building his fortune, and not enough on building the relationship.

The important thing to note is that the cards do not make the decision for the consultant. The cards will not say, “this or that  is the right choice for you.” The cards provide insight into each option, and it is up to the consultant to decide which is the better choice based on her needs, desires, expectations, etc.

I had the impression that the consultant was looking for permission to end a stable relationship which bored her, so she could pursue a more exciting relationship with the new guy. I offered to do another Dilemma Spread to see if the cards would indicate which relationship would make the consultant happier in the long run, but she declined.  I suspect that she already knew the answer, and was not ready to see the truth confirmed in the cards.


  1. I love these insights, you are amazing. Thank you so much for all you do.

  2. Love this spread and your breakdown of the situation. Also, empowering the client to make their own decision by providing the information needed. 😍

  3. Yes! I love seeing symmetry in the cards too. Once I did a reading and it came up
    3C,AS,6D,2S,JC and it was very straightforward. I took this to mean uneasiness and jealousy getting in the way in a hazy relationship. See, neither of them have confessed to each other per se and both individuals involved are too grounded and work-focused to pay much heed to it.
