
Friday, July 10, 2015

Cartomancy Horoscope Spread for Answering Questions

The Cartomancy Horoscope Spread is perfect for when the querent requires detailed information about an important matter which may include several related questions. This spread allows me to hone in on a specific topic, and answer all the related questions without the need to reshuffle the deck and redraw cards.

The Horoscope Spread is based on the horary astrological chart which is divided into twelve sections. Each section (or house) is ruled by one of the signs of the zodiac. By combining the basic horary astrology house meanings with the cartomancy card meanings, the Horoscope Spread can provide very specific information regarding all aspects of the matter in question.

Drawing the Cards

Shuffle the cards while focusing on the general topic to be explored. You may decide that certain cards will serve as significators in the spread. For example, if the querent wishes to know about a love interest, you can set your intention that the Queen of Hearts will represent the querent, and the King of Hearts will represent her love interest. These cards may not show up in the spread, but if they do they will carry special significance determined by the houses into which they fall.

Next the cards are dealt around the astrological wheel, placing one card into each house of the zodiac, beginning with the first house, as shown in the following diagram:

 Guidelines for Interpreting the Spread

  • The specific questions will determine which houses are relevant (not all of the cards in the spread may be relevant). The card in each relevant house will provide the information to answer the question.

  • The relevant cards are interpreted within the context of each question, and within the framework of the houses into which they fall.

  • I deal from the top of the shuffled deck. Alternately, you can spread the cards face-down on the table and randomly draw one card for each house of the horoscope.

  • I place only one card into each house because the focus is on one topic only. I experience a high level of accuracy with this spread provided that all of the questions are related to the single topic that was the focus of the shuffle.  I have asked up to 8 questions with excellent results.

For a general reading, or for multiple questions that are not related to a single topic, you can place up to three cards into each house to focus on each individual area of the querent's life in more detail. 

Meanings of the Houses 

1st House

Represents the querent. The querent's personal life and appearance, beginnings, new projects, length of life.
Direction: East

2nd House

Finances, values, lost or stolen objects, movable possessions, potential poverty or wealth, resources, material things desired, business transactions, earnings.
Direction: East North-East

3rd House

Siblings, relatives, neighbors. Short journeys. Schooling, early education. Personal communication, letters, emails, advice. Gossip, rumors, news. 
Direction: North North-East

4th House

Home, parents, father, domestic issues, buried treasure, land, real estate, inheritances from parents, houses, farms, agriculture, old age, mines. The end of any matter 
Direction: North

5th House

Children, women, luxury, affairs, gambling, hobbies, stocks, romance, pregnancy, elections, entertainment, feasts, eating, drinking, parties, fun. Personal creativity. Bodies of water, rain. Teaching.
Direction: North North-west

6th House

Health, illness, diseases, injuries, misfortunes. Hygiene, healing. Daily work, daily routines. Pets, small animals. Servants, employees.
Direction: West North-west

7th House

Partner (marriage and business), lover, spouse, divorce, lawsuits, contracts. Quarrels, open rivals, competitors. Thieves, robbers, dishonors. Any unidentified person. The astrologer.
Direction: West

8th House

Shared resources, death, and birth. Surgery. Life transformations, occult studies. Taxes, debts, mortgages and loans. Legacies, inheritance from other than parents, other people's money or resources, corporate money. Investigations. Poverty, suffering, dangers. Sleep.
Direction: West South-West

9th House

Long-distance travel, religion, philosophy, education, higher learning. Lawyers, professionals. Dreams, divination. Wisdom. The arts. Public communication, media, publishing.
Direction: South South-West

10th House

Career, vocation. Mother. Superiors, authority, employer, government. Status, fortune, success, glory, reputation, honors. Environment, the weather. 
Direction: South

11th House

Friends, sources of help. Protection, riches, presents. good fortune, Joy, hopes and wishes, praise, confidence, goals. Social activities, group endeavors.
Direction: South South-East

12th House

Loss, imprisonment, secret enemies, black magic. Retreat and solitude. Widowhood, fears. Secrets, suffering, afflictions. Large animals. Hidden life, unconscious thoughts. Institutions, hospitalization. Suicide, murder. Vagabonds, prostitutes, beggars. Charity. Drugs and alcohol.
Direction: South South-West


  1. Love this spread Kaph! I love how you combined Horary Astrology with Cartomancy. Is there perhaps an example reading in your blog using this spread? I would love to see it in action :D.

  2. Thank you, Natalia. I'm glad you like this spread. It is one of my favorites for dealing with complex questions.
    Yes, I have an example reading to illustrate the spread in action that I'm in the process of drafting. It should be ready for publication soon. :)

  3. Wow, Kapherus! Are you ever on a roll this week! This is really great! I've got lots to catch up with and I'm looking forward to it. Thanks so much!

  4. You're welcome, Yuri. I'm working to consolidate some of the old blog posts so they're available again. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. I am excited that you have posted this spread with playing cards. Will you have a cartomancy example reading with this spread at some point? Would find it so helpful. Thanks for this great blog site!

  6. Yes, I posted a sample reading that you can access here:

    I'm glad that you found this article helpful. :)
