Predictive Cartomancy

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cartomancy Health Reading

This spread is from a practice exercise previously posted on the Facebook group Kapherus’ Blog Alumni. The source material is from an actual phone reading for a client who was kind enough to permit me to share the reading for instructional purposes.

The querent is a 57 year old male. He asks how he can facilitate the healing of a chronic health issue that has been plaguing him for some time. He did not specify the health issue, but I was able to identify the problem from the information in the cards.

For reference material regarding the cartomancy health meanings, please see the page titled Cartomancy Body Connection where I have compiled a list of health meanings from various sources including Dr. Leo Louis Matello, Regina Russell, and meanings derived from my own experience with the cards. The article also includes an additional example of a health reading.

Question: How can the querent facilitate the healing of his chronic health problem?

8 of Spades, 6 of Clubs, 2 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds, King of Clubs, 7 of Clubs

In this spread the cards are read in vertical pairs, and each column deals with a specific aspect of answering the question.

The first column sets the premise for the reading, and reveals that the chronic health problem (8 of Spades) is caused by nervousness and stress (6 of Diamonds). Notice that there are no hearts in the spread, and the 6 of Diamonds suggests holding things in. My impression is that the querent stuffs his emotions. With the 2 of Diamonds also in the spread (the stomach), I suspect that as a result of not expressing his feelings, the querent suffers from a chronic stomach ulcer. The querent confirmed that this is indeed the case.

The second column answers the question, and advises the querent to seek practical advice from a helpful gentleman. The 6 of Clubs + club shows sound, helpful advice. With the 8 of Spades (doctor card) in the spread, my impression is that the King of Clubs represents the querent’s physician. The best way for the querent to facilitate the healing of his stomach ulcer is to heed and follow the advice of his doctor. The querent stated that his doctor had prescribed medication, but it did not seem to be helping.

The final column deals with contributing factors, and addresses dietary concerns. The 2 of Diamonds represents “eating,” and the 7 of Clubs is “disagreements.” There is something the querent is eating that does not agree with him, and is exacerbating the problem. The 7 of Clubs also advises that the diet should be evaluated by his doctor to determine which foods he is eating that may be aggravating the ulcer, and preventing the medication from bringing the desired effect. The 7 of Clubs can refer to social drinking, and I wonder if alcohol consumption might be irritating the ulcer.

The querent admitted that the doctor had prescribed a special diet, but he had not been following the diet carefully.

The problem is not too serious with only one spade appearing in the reading. If the querent will follow the dietary restrictions suggested by his doctor, and continue to take all other measures and medications prescribed, his chronic health problem should improve.


  1. Thanks, Kapherus. I didn't know the two of diamonds could be connected with the stomach and eating. I'm a bit confused about the seven of clubs, though, because I thought (from previous notes) that it was the seven of Spades that was associated with drinking. I thought the seven of clubs indicated busy times (so maybe increasing stress). Could you clarify, please?

  2. Hi Yuri... yes, the 7 of spades is the drinking card, and can reveal a drinking problem. the 7 of clubs can also refer to drinking in a social setting without the idea of there being a problem. The 7 of clubs does indicate busyness and work, but also disagreements, arguments, and small problems. So in the reading I see the diet (2D) in conflict with the health condition. Also the diet (2D) is something that needs to be worked (7C) on. I hope I was able to answer your question.

  3. Yes, thank you so much! Now I understand the difference between the two and also, as I'm sure you've said before, how it's important to read the cards in relationship to each other, not just with their one-dimensional meanings. Thanks again!

  4. Hi this was a very helpful post. The Cartomancy Body Connection link doesn't seem to work though. Is it possible to put that info back up somewhere? Thanks!

  5. I have fixed the broken link. Thank you for letting me know. I'm glad that the post is helpful. :)
