Predictive Cartomancy

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Fate, Destiny and Free Will in Cartomancy

Today's article was inspired by a comment that was left by a reader of the blog. The reader's question is both insightful and multi-layered. Because my answer is rather long winded, I decided to respond in a blog post rather than in the comment section. Here is the reader's question:
You once said somewhere that readings go out to few months, what if I have a “will I ever” type of question such as will I ever have a family/see my ex bf again, can the cards go out that far? Also, if the cards are close to each other & of opposite sex but different suits, does that mean the connection is less significant? For example, I often draw out my ex bf (KD) next to QC in a future position. I’m assuming she’s the new gf. Sometimes, she comes out as the outcome or the middle card when I ask will I ever see him again. Even though QC could represent a friend, I am assuming here she is my rival not helping me. And in outcome position, I read this that he will choose her over me, even though they are not of the same suit. If you could, I’d appreciate to hear your perspective.

This brings up an interesting subject regarding fate vs free will in Cartomancy. Based on my own experiences, both in life and through card reading, I have come to believe that we are each born with a cosmic blueprint that can help us to navigate our lives. This spiritual road map is comprised of events that we are destined to experience. These events are what I speak of when I refer to fate.

Free will is the influence we can exert on these fateful events— how we choose to respond to the challenges, how we attempt to avoid the pitfalls, and how we make use of the opportunities placed in our path. The cards can provide guidance to help us make the best of these karmic influences.

I do find that the cards tend to be more reliable when predicting short-term events that can be influenced by free will. For this reason I set the intention when I read that a card spread will cover 3 to 6 months on average, and 8 months to a year on the outside. Beyond that time frame there are so many factors— actions and events and decisions— that may influence a future event. The cards tend to read the potential for a long-term event to occur based on the current energies only.  A future action could change the course of events leading to an alternate potential outcome. This may result in less reliable accuracy in a long-range card reading.

On the other hand, the cards can be very reliable when predicting long-term events that are destined to be— or not to be. These tend to be major life experiences based on our soul contract with the universal energies. Despite the long time frame, the cards can show us how best to navigate these challenges— or blessings, and make the most of the lessons contained in these fateful events.

So questions such as “will I ever marry?” or “will I ever have children?” tend to deal with destiny, and can often be answered reliably even with an unrestricted outside time frame.  Sometimes the cards will provide suggestions to help facilitate a desired outcome. For example, a pregnancy may only be possible with medical intervention, and the cards would highlight this fact in answer to the question of future children.

Regarding your readings on a possible reconciliation with your ex-boyfriend, it is difficult to make clear judgments without knowing all of the cards influencing these readings. The cards I look for to confirm a reconciliation are the 4 of Hearts (reunion) and/or the 7 of Hearts (second chances). Also the 6 of Hearts (karma) is an important card in relationship readings because it can show a past-life or karmic connection. Another important card to look for is the 9 of Spades (fate) which can also represent karma, and events that are destined to happen. The 9 of Clubs can confirm the correct spiritual path.

Based on your feedback, and assuming that you are generally represented by a different Queen in your readings,  I would tend to agree with your assessment that the Queen of Clubs represents a current or future girlfriend. The fact that she appears in key positions in your spreads suggests to me that she is an impediment to a reconciliation.

I do read significance in the fact that she appears repeatedly as a Club. Whereas the Queen of Hearts would suggest commitment, the Queen of Clubs suggests more of a social relationship such as dating. Also, the Queen of Clubs could possibly represent social relationships in general with women. In other words, casual dating. Again, it is hard to say for sure based on the information you provided. The other thing to note is that the cards falling between your Ex and the Queen will provide a insight into the dynamics of their relationship.

If this situation were part of a reading for a client, I would suggest asking the cards how you might facilitate a reconciliation with your ex. The cards should provide good suggestions if the reconciliation is possible. Otherwise the reading will clearly show that the re-connection is not destined to be.

It is my sincere hope that you find my comments helpful, and that fate will bring the fulfillment of your desire.