Predictive Cartomancy

Friday, June 10, 2016

Cartomancy Reading: The Aspiring Bartender

I originally posted this reading on my Art of Cartomancy Facebook page as a group exercise. I decided to also post the reading on the blog with a very detailed break down because this particular spread provides an outstanding example of how the cards when read in context go to the very heart of an issue or problem.

The reading was done on June the 2nd of this year, 2016. The querent is a young woman who has been applying at various bars and restaurants for a position as bartender. She is currently working as a server in a hotel restaurant. The querent asks, "Will I be successful in procuring a job as a bartender in the next three months?"

I shuffled the cards while focusing on her question. Then I spread the deck face-down on the table, and randomly drew the following five cards...

The first thing I notice about the spread is the predominance of black cards. The three black and two red cards suggest a probable "no" in answer to the question, but the querent may have the power to positively influence the final outcome.

Next my attention is drawn to the middle card in the spread which I call the "hinge," and on which the rest of the reading hangs. I'm pleased to see the 10 of Clubs because it confirms the theme of the reading: business, career and work experience.

The pillars of the reading stand out for me. The pillars are first, middle and final cards which are read in combination, and provide a brief summary of the reading. The 9 of Hearts is the wish card, and it reveals the querent's desire. The 10 of Clubs and 7 of Spades is the classic combination that represents a bar or nightclub. The querent desires a career tending bar, and these cards suggest that she has the potential to achieve her wish, although perhaps not within the desired time frame. Now we need to look deeper into the cards to discover why.

I'm drawn next to the 9 of Hearts to investigate the influences affecting the querent's desire to become a bartender. The combination of the 2 of Diamonds and 10 of Clubs represents a restaurant. We know the current has restaurant experience which is confirmed by the 2 of Diamonds with the 10 of Clubs. The querent confirmed that she would prefer to tend bar in a restaurant rather than in a bar or nightclub.

Unfortunately the 2 of Diamonds is not in harmony (does not reflect or mirror) with the 7 of Spades. If these cards were in harmony they could be combined with the 9 of Hearts to show that the querent would get her wish. Also notice that the 2 of Diamonds is in harmony with the 3 of Spades which suggests a block or obstacle. The wish card is in harmony the bar/nightclub card, showing that the querent will have better luck finding a bartending job in a bar or nightclub.

So then why will the querent fail to find work as a bartender within the next three months? When the cards tell us "no," they should also tell us "why," and offer one or more possible solutions. Let's take a look at the middle three cards which usually carry the most significance.

We know that the 10 of Clubs represents the querent's career. The action in the spread moves from left to right so we can confirm with the 2 of Diamonds that she has past experience working as a server in a restaurant. The cards following the 10 of Clubs will show future career portions. The 7 of Spades follows to indicate that a bartending job is in the future, but it is blocked by that inauspicious 3 of Spades.

The 3 of Spades represents confusion or a lack of understanding (among other things), so we can infer that it is a lack of knowledge or skill or experience that has prevented the querent from being hired for her dream job. We can further infer that if the girl can acquire some knowledge or experience in bartending, she can remove the block and manifest her wish.

I'm intrigued by the 7 of Spades as the outcome card because it is generally a very negative influence, and can show setbacks and frustrations. But the 7 of Spades is also the drinking or alcohol card, and based on the context of the reading, it perfectly represents and confirms the querent's desired outcome of a position tending bar and mixing drinks.

I advised the querent that she needs to set her sights on acquiring more knowledge and experience in bartending in order to make herself more attractive to potential employers. I suggested that she offer to volunteer on her days off at the bar in the restaurant where she currently works. Her manager may be grateful for the extra help. I also suggested that she look into attending a bartending class. Such classes may be offered inexpensively through an adult education programs in her local area, or she could investigate an actual bartending school. The querent promised to follow up on my suggestions, and then let me know what happens.