Predictive Cartomancy

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Five Card Draw: Pregnancy Prediction

The consultant is a 40 year old woman who asks, "Will I get pregnant in the next three months?" She provides no additional information.

For the yes/no question I draw five cards with the intention that the ratio of black cards to red will provide a simple answer. It is also my intention that the individual cards will provide details to further explain the answer. For specific information on how I read the suit colors to answer a yes-or-no question, please see my article: Cartomancy Technique for Answering Yes-or-No Questions.

I received permission from the consultant to share this reading because it's short and sweet and to the point, and I think it provides an excellent example of how I read the classic Line of Five cards in cartomancy.  I analyze the cards step by step using the following process...
Step 1: I take note of the center card (heart card) which serves as a hinge on which the rest of the reading turns.
Step 2: I read the middle three cards in combination.
Step 3: I read the first three cards in combination.
Step 4: I read the last three cards in combination, taking special note of the final card which serves as the outcome card.
Step 5: I take note of the cards that mirror or reflect each other in the reading.
Step 6: I read the first, middle and last cards in combination as a summary of the reading.

When I first glance at the cards, I immediately notice the predominance of black cards which gives a most likely NO answer to the question. The consultant will not succeed in getting pregnant within the next three months.

My attention is next drawn to the heart card of the reading, the Ace of Diamonds. I always look for the theme of the question to be reflected in the reading, and the Ace of Diamonds is the spark of life, and would represent the desired conception.  The  Ace is hemmed in by spades on either side indicating a serious problem, and confirming that conception will not happen within the specified time frame.

Next I ask myself, who is the King of Spades? Perhaps he is the consultant's husband?  No. The adjacent card (8 of Spades) is the doctor card, and it describes the King. My impression is that the King of Spades represents a doctor. The card following the 8 of Spades shows what kind of doctor-- Ace of Diamonds shows one who deals with conception issues, or a fertility specialist. This idea is confirmed for me by the classic combination of the 8 of Spades with the 9 of Spades which mirror each other in the center of the spread, and denote a medical procedure. These cards surround the Ace of Diamonds suggesting that medical intervention may be necessary to facilitate conception.  When the cards indicate a problem or obstacle, they invariably also provide one or more possible solutions.

Finally, on to the last trio of cards. The 9 of Spades follows the Ace of Diamonds, and shows disappointment, and represents the difficulty with conception. The 4 of Clubs is a service card, and indicates help with resolving issues. The 4 of Clubs ends the line, and suggests an eventual resolution to the fertility problem represented by the 9 of Spades. I notice that the 4 of Clubs mirrors the King of Spades. This shows a consultation, and suggests to me that the doctor will serve to help correct the problem.

My prediction is that the querent will not be able to conceive within the next three months, but if she consults with a fertility specialist, the doctor will help resolve the problem. The fact that the Ace of Diamonds appears in the heart position of the reading is a hopeful sign that conception will eventually be possible.

The querent confirmed that she has a history of problems with getting pregnant, and that she is already receiving treatments at a fertility clinic.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

8 of Diamonds

The Diamond suit is considered positive for the most part, but there are several Diamond cards that can show restriction and limitation. The 8 of Diamonds (8D) is one such card because it combines the balance of the number eight with the restless, unpredictable energy of the Diamond suit. The result is a card of caution that can reveal the need to strive for balance particularly in financial matters.

When the 8 of Diamonds falls with other cards of the Diamond suit, it most often warns of financial difficulties. This card can show a shortage of funds, or the need to curtail spending and balance the household budget. As an example, the AD + 8D can be a bank statement that shows deposits and withdrawals, or a credit card statement that shows credits and debits. The combination 4D + 8D would indicate a depleted bank account. With the 6D, the 8D would show putting aside money and saving for a rainy day.

The 8 of Diamonds falling with heart cards will still advise caution. It shows the need for careful planning in order to manifest your desires. In relationship readings the 8 of Diamonds will indicate an intellectual compatibility that relates more to friendship than to love or passion. When this card turns up, he's probably more interested in your mind than your body.  The 8 of Diamonds can also indicate an ungenerous spirit, both in the financial sense and the emotional sense. The King of  hearts with the 8 of Diamonds is emotionally guarded. The King of Diamonds with the 8 of Diamonds is a cheapskate.

When the 8 of Diamonds falls with Clubs it will advise cautious actions, or reveal business budgetary concerns.  My grandmother called this card "Money Coming and Going" because it highlights the financial flow-- where money is earned and where money is spent. This card can be a warning that the money is going out as fast as it comes in. The AC + 8D refers to the tax office (IRS), which saps our earnings.

Spades intensify the restrictive and cautionary qualities of the 8 of Diamonds, and will show forced or imposed limitations.  The classic combination for heavy debt is the 8D + 9S. The 9S shows a crushing obligation. The 2C (gifts) with the 8D can show disability or unemployment benefits-- someone forced to live on a restricted income. The AC is usually nearby to confirm the government assistance.

In health readings the 8 of Diamonds represents the eyes and vision. For example, the 8D with the 8S (the doctor card) would show an ophthalmologist or optometrist. The 8D followed by the 4S would denote vision problems. If the 3S is nearby, you're probably looking at eye disease.

In physical description readings the 8 of Diamonds will refer to something notable about the person's eyes. Nine times out of ten this will simply indicate that the person wears eyeglasses.

The meaning eyes can extend to the idea of seeing, or looking, or watching. For example, the combination 8D + 3H shows watching something artistic, and will usually refer to viewing art or some kind of performance such as a play. The 8D + 6C  is a television (viewing media), and the 8D + 2D is usually a movie (the 2D is the card of fiction and imagination). The 8D with the 4C can refer to the screen on your smartphone. In a general reading the cards surrounding the 8 of Diamonds can show what the person is looking for in life.

The 8 of Diamonds is the counting card. It counts what we have, and it counts what we don't have.  As such, it can represent numbers and mathematics.  In a career reading the 8D + 4D would show someone who is certified with numbers, or works as an accountant (CPA). The 8D + 6C is someone who balances the books, or is a bookkeeper.

In a reading for locating a lost item the 8 of Diamonds represents the pantry where food is stored. It makes perfect sense when you consider that the pantry is similar to a financial account. Food is deposited (stored) to be spent and then replenished-- coming and going.

Lastly, when looking at timing the 8 of Diamonds points toward the future, and will show delays for the present. It says, "Don't push things. Now is not the time for rash action. Now is the time for caution and careful planning, and future success is possible."

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

6 of Diamonds

The 6 of Diamonds (6D) combines the connectivity of the number six with the intellectual detachment of the suit of Diamonds, and brings a general sense of restriction to a reading. As such, it can be a tricky card to interpret. Of course the best interpretation will always depend on several key factors... the context of the question, the influence of surrounding cards, and the readers intuition.

When surrounded by Hearts, the 6 of Diamonds will often indicate shyness or withdrawal. It can denote withholding something, or a lack of communication. This is particularly true for questions about love and romance. If you ask "Will he/she call?" and the 6D appears, you can be pretty sure that he/she won't call.

With other Diamonds the 6 of Diamonds will usually show nervousness, or reveal an unsettled situation. For financial questions, this card can be similar to the Some Money card in the Gypsy Fortune Telling deck. It may indicate a small amount of money, usually less than expected or less that what you need. This card can also show a small or moderate success, particularly when it shows up as the outcome of the matter. The end result may not meet your grand expectations, but the outcome could be a lot worse.

When falling with clubs, the 6 of Diamonds can indicate technology and electronic communication. This is the "computer" card, and can represent any electronic or digital device. The standard combination that represents a computer is the 6D + 6C. Specifically, the 6C represents "information or a book," so the combination indicates "an electronic book." If the 8C (the work card) is nearby you're looking at a programmer, or someone who works in information technology.

This card also covers the sciences and social services. For example, the 6D + 3H = occult science or religious science. The 3H is a mystical card that represents the Holy Trinity; and mind, body, spirit.  The 6D+ 9D = psychic sciences (clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.), and the 6D + 8D = mathematics.

When the 6 of Diamonds is beset by Spades, it can turn ugly and reveal jealousy and possessiveness at worst, or stubbornness and unresponsiveness at best.  The 6D + 2S is the classic combination for jealousy because the 2S adds anger and vindictiveness to the mix.

In health questions the 6 of Diamonds represents the nervous system. With the 2D it can indicate a nervous stomach. If Spades are nearby, particularly the 4 or 8 of Spades, it is probably a stomach ulcer. The 6D, as the technology card, can also represent diagnostic equipment in a health reading.

When appearing next to a court card it can describe that person as timid or shy. It may also reveal a techie or science guy/gal. Beware when the 6 of Diamond falls with the King of Spade. He can be very jealous and possessive. If other Spades are near, he can turn violent and dangerous.

As you can see, the 6 of Diamonds brings restriction or limitation to a reading. It also represents everything related to science and technology. Therefore this card carries many meanings, and requires careful consideration to ensure the best or most appropriate interpretation in a reading.