Health readings can be tricky, but if we trust the cards they will usually unravel the mystery of any health issue. I’d be remiss if I didn’t reiterate that it’s important to always keep in mind that unless you are a licensed health professional, you should never diagnose or prescribe. When presented with a health question, I always advise the client that I am not a health professional, and that I’m happy to relate what I see in the cards, and I encourage them to consult a physician for any health related concerns.
I recently received feedback on an interesting health reading that I thought I would share here on the blog. The client was a younger male– probably in his 20s, and although anxious for some information regarding his health concern, he was reluctant to elaborate on the problem. He asked what I saw in the cards regarding his ‘issue,’ but would not say more.
I was up for the challenge, and drew the following Answer Spread to address the vague question:
In the Answer Spread, the first column relates to the present or recent past in reference to the question. The two Jacks did not give me a lot of information, and I thought they may simply refer to client having been well
(Jack of Clubs ♣) and then not so well (Jack of Spades ♠ ).
The center column holds the answer to the question. The 6 of Hearts ♥ refers to all things masculine, and based on the client’s reticence it immediately occurred to me that this must be a delicate masculine issue. In health readings the Ace of Diamonds ♦ can have several different meanings. It can represent a needle– and therefore, ‘a vaccination,’ or fire– and therefore, ‘a burning sensation.’
The third column will usually provide important information that should be considered. In health readings the 7 of Spades ♠ will usually refer to the need for some kind of medication, and as the pivot card it is a clear indication that medication will relieve the problem. The 10 of Diamonds ♦ should either describe the kind of medication, or it’s purpose. At first I was stumped by these cards. The 10 of Diamonds ♦ usually refers to the chest and lungs, and I’ve previously had this combination refer to cough medicine or an asthma inhaler. But the middle column seemed to point to some kind of infection, and so these ideas didn’t make a lot of sense. Then it hit me. The 10 of Diamonds ♦ refers to raw power– jet propulsion, atomic energy, nuclear fission– potentially destructive energies that are harnessed and used for good. Of course! The 10 ♦ and 7 ♠ refer to an antibiotic.
I asked the querent if he was experiencing pain while urinating, and he launched into a long diatribe about why he thinks he may have contracted an STD. At this point it occurred to me that the two jacks could be indicate the union which caused the problem.
I advised the that although I could not diagnose his problem, the cards do point to some kind of infection, and I urged him to see a doctor as soon as possible. The 7 of Spades ♠ as the pivot card indicates the need for medication, and also warns that the problem will worsen if it is not treated.
I had not heard back from the client, so I didn’t know what the medical diagnosis was, but this is one of those times when the cards seemed so clear in their message that I had no doubts that antibiotics were prescribed for some kind of infection.
Feedback: It was over a year before I heard back from this client. He thanked me for encouraging him to see a physician because he did in fact have a kidney infection. It turns out that it was not an STD. The infection was caused by a kidney stone that the client had no idea he had. The stone was too large to pass, and required surgery. I’m sharing this reading because it’s a perfect example of how important it is to encourage a client to see a doctor for any health concerns regardless of what may appear in the cards.
Predictive Cartomancy
Monday, May 4, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Cartomancy Health Reading: a Clogged Ear
Health readings can be a slippery slope. On the one hand, we want to meet our querent's needs; but on the other hand, most of us are not health professionals, and we are not qualified to diagnose a health problem-- neither are we qualified to offer medical advice. In fact, to do so is against the law in most countries. So what do we do?
I don't shy away from health questions. I will advise the querent up front that I am not a health professional, and that a health matter should never be decided by a card reading. I remind the querent that even the best card readings can be only 80% accurate, and only a licensed health professional can diagnose and treat an ailment.
Having said that, what I will do is agree to look into the cards to see what they show about the health issue. Interestingly, I find that 9 times out of 10 the cards will suggest that the querent visit with a doctor. Even when that is not the case, I still encourage the querent to visit the doctor anyway. What I won't do is offer a definitive diagnosis nor will I prescribe a treatment.
Happily in most cases when a querent asks about a health issue, he or she has already seen a doctor, and is interested in the outcome of the doctor's prescribed treatment.
The following reading was done for a family member. The querent is a young man who has recently recovered from a nasty head cold. Despite feeling healthy and strong, he is suffering from a lingering clogged ear. The querent asks...
Will the ear unclog on its own without having to see the doctor?
I drew the following line of 5 cards...
Who the heck are all these lovely ladies?
The reason I wanted to share this particular reading is because it illustrates a special combination that has appeared in my cards time and again. You probably won't see this combination in any book; although (Who Knows?) you may because there is a universality to the card meanings. In any case, the combination I'm referring to is the 4 of spades surrounded by court cards. In my readings, this combination always signifies a communicable disease-- a contagious illness that is passed from person to person. I have found that 99% of the time, when this combination appears in my cards, it indicates a viral infection (most common bacterial infections are not contagious) which ends up being the flu or the common cold.
My immediate thought is that the ear problem is due to the lingering effects of the head cold, and would probably not respond to antibiotics. (I should mention at this point that despite this suggestion I still encouraged the querent to visit the doctor if the ear continues to be a problem.)
So what about the ladies? Well, digging deeper into the spread, I see the Jack of Hearts as representing the querent himself and his body (health). The Queen of Spades is the infection that brought on the head cold (4 of Spades). The three queens in the spread represent gossip or advice. The Queen of Hearts is the mother or the wife. She represents care and love and nurturing. The Queen of Diamonds is full of good information. The combination suggests "old wive's remedies." The suits show that with proper care (heart) the problem will improve (diamond card ending the row). I suggested that the querent also talk with his mom and other female family members to ask if they have any home remedies that might help relieve the clogged ear.
Feedback: The querent did end up seeing his doctor. The doctor examined the nose, ears and throat, and said there was no redness or irritation visible. The doctor did not think there was a bacterial infection, but he was willing to prescribe an antibotic just in case. The querent declined the antibiotic since he has a history of antibiotics causing complications with his digestion. The querent mother (QH) suggested home remedies that she used on him when he was a child to help clear up (QD) the clog.
I don't shy away from health questions. I will advise the querent up front that I am not a health professional, and that a health matter should never be decided by a card reading. I remind the querent that even the best card readings can be only 80% accurate, and only a licensed health professional can diagnose and treat an ailment.
Having said that, what I will do is agree to look into the cards to see what they show about the health issue. Interestingly, I find that 9 times out of 10 the cards will suggest that the querent visit with a doctor. Even when that is not the case, I still encourage the querent to visit the doctor anyway. What I won't do is offer a definitive diagnosis nor will I prescribe a treatment.
Happily in most cases when a querent asks about a health issue, he or she has already seen a doctor, and is interested in the outcome of the doctor's prescribed treatment.
Sample Health Reading
The following reading was done for a family member. The querent is a young man who has recently recovered from a nasty head cold. Despite feeling healthy and strong, he is suffering from a lingering clogged ear. The querent asks...
Will the ear unclog on its own without having to see the doctor?
I drew the following line of 5 cards...
Who the heck are all these lovely ladies?
The reason I wanted to share this particular reading is because it illustrates a special combination that has appeared in my cards time and again. You probably won't see this combination in any book; although (Who Knows?) you may because there is a universality to the card meanings. In any case, the combination I'm referring to is the 4 of spades surrounded by court cards. In my readings, this combination always signifies a communicable disease-- a contagious illness that is passed from person to person. I have found that 99% of the time, when this combination appears in my cards, it indicates a viral infection (most common bacterial infections are not contagious) which ends up being the flu or the common cold.
My immediate thought is that the ear problem is due to the lingering effects of the head cold, and would probably not respond to antibiotics. (I should mention at this point that despite this suggestion I still encouraged the querent to visit the doctor if the ear continues to be a problem.)
So what about the ladies? Well, digging deeper into the spread, I see the Jack of Hearts as representing the querent himself and his body (health). The Queen of Spades is the infection that brought on the head cold (4 of Spades). The three queens in the spread represent gossip or advice. The Queen of Hearts is the mother or the wife. She represents care and love and nurturing. The Queen of Diamonds is full of good information. The combination suggests "old wive's remedies." The suits show that with proper care (heart) the problem will improve (diamond card ending the row). I suggested that the querent also talk with his mom and other female family members to ask if they have any home remedies that might help relieve the clogged ear.
Feedback: The querent did end up seeing his doctor. The doctor examined the nose, ears and throat, and said there was no redness or irritation visible. The doctor did not think there was a bacterial infection, but he was willing to prescribe an antibotic just in case. The querent declined the antibiotic since he has a history of antibiotics causing complications with his digestion. The querent mother (QH) suggested home remedies that she used on him when he was a child to help clear up (QD) the clog.
Friday, May 1, 2015
How to Interpret the Three Card Draw
The 3 Card Layout:
The 3 Card Layout is the perfect spread to use for daily guidance, or to answer a question quickly. This layout provides a good amount of information regarding a specific question, topic or situation. I like to use the 3 Card Layout at the end of a longer reading to address any questions the querent may still have, or to provide more information on a topic the querent wants to know more about.
For this layout I choose 3 cards at random and lay them out in the order in which I chose them.
The cards are then read from left to right like reading a sentence on a page:
- The first card can be read as “the premise” of the situation, or it may
indicate the past influences on the matter. - The second card represents the actual question, problem or situation, and
often reflects the current influences on the matter. - The third card indicates the outcome or result, and has the strongest
effect on the final interpretation of the layout.
The action in the layout also moves from left to right:
- The first card indicates what action the seeker takes.
- The second card indicates what action the seeker shares.
- The third card indicates what action the seeker receives.
For yes/no questions, 2 red cards indicate a “yes,” and two black cards indicate a “no.”
Sample 3-Card Layout:
Here is an example of an actual 3-Card Layout I did this morning, May 16, 2007. I asked the cards a specific question about a female friend from college that I have not heard from in a couple of years. My question was: “Will this friend contact me?” Here are the playing cards I pulled:
- 4 of Clubs
- 3 of Clubs
- Queen of Diamonds
I was surprise at first by the Queen of Diamonds because I wouldn’t have immediately associated my friend with this particular card. I did expect a queen to show up, but I guess I thought she would be more in line with my friend’s physical coloring. But then I realized that the Queen of Diamonds is the best card to represent her energy and intelligence.
The 4 of Clubs can indicate a form of electronic communication such as a telephone call or an email. So I can see right away that the cards are on track with answering my question. Because the 4 of Clubs falls first, in the spot that would indicate me taking action, it looks like I’m going to be the one to initiate the contact and reconnect with my friend.
The 3 of Clubs indicates good luck and success, so if I make the effort to track her down, I should not have a problem finding her. All Clubs indicate activity, thinking and talking, so it may be that I can reach my friend through other mutual acquaintances. Also in the number 2 spot of “shared action,” the 3 of Clubs would indicate that she’s been thinking about contacting me a well.
The Queen of Diamonds represents my friend, and as the final card also represents the outcome, result or answer to my question. The red suits of the playing cards are usually considered positive, so the basic answer to my question is “yes.” My friend will contact me, but only after I make an effort to reach her first.
Now I understand why the cards chose to represent my friend as the Queen of Diamonds as opposed to the expected Queen of Spades based on her dark hair and eyes. If the Queen of Spades had fallen last, it would have indicated a definite “no” to my answer. And this layout would have indicated that although I would probably have been successful in reaching her, she would not have responded to my contact.