Predictive Cartomancy

Monday, April 6, 2015

How to Recognize a Curse in a Modern Cartomancy Reading

Every so often I encounter a client who is experiencing a streak of bad luck, and is convinced that he or she is the victim of a curse. The client will ask for confirmation of the psychic attack in the cards. In most cases, the bad luck is the result of poor decision making or bad money management on the client’s part. But every now and again I do see sinister forces reflected in the cards.

The pivotal card I look for in a reading to suggest a curse is the Ten of Spades-- particularly when it appears in a cluster with other spades, and especially with the 9 of Spades which will warn that the querent is being harmed by the black intentions. The surrounding cards will usually describe the source and effects of the psychic attack.

Here are a few cartomancy meanings I associate with psychic and spiritual matters that can describe both white magick and black magick…†

10 of Spades = black magick, psychic attack, evil forces at work
9 of Spades = harm, injury, being coerced, graveyard
7 of Spades = oils, potions, washes, bath
3 of Spades = a ritual or spell, incense
King or Queen of Spades = an enemy or a rival, a deceased person
5 of Clubs = crossroads
3 of clubs = herbs, roots, powders
Ace of Hearts = the soul
3 of Hearts = prayer, affirmations
7 of Hearts = healing
8 of Hearts = a Saint, an angel, a spirit guide, protection, an ancestor
Ace of Diamonds = the spirit, the astral body, the spirit world, a candle flame
4 of Diamonds = altar
6 of Diamonds = divination
8 of Diamonds = a spirit being, rootwork, balancing spiritual energies
9 of Diamond = psychic ability, clairvoyance, mind power
10 of Diamonds = mediumship, contact with the spirit world, white magick
King or Queen of Diamonds = an energy worker/root worker
†This list is by no means exhaustive.

Sample Cartomancy Reading: How to recognize Psychic Attack

The querent had a confrontation with a woman he suspects is using magick against him. He has been experiencing a streak of bad luck, and suspects that he may be the victim of a curse.

Question: Is the woman using black magick against me?


The first column represents the premise of the question. It describes the current situation in reference to the question. The 10 of Spades is the key card I look for to indicate black magic, and the 4 of Clubs shows a sympathetic connection with the querent. These cards suggest that someone has tried to send evil intentions toward the querent. Specifically, the 4 of clubs suggests a form of sympathetic magic in which a prop is used, such as a candle or doll, to represent the querent. The negative intentions are put into the object (10S → 4C) that connects with the energy of the querent.

The middle column answers the question, and suggests that this attack has not been successful. The 8 of Hearts is a card of protection, and the Ace of Diamonds is spirit. These cards suggest that the querent is protected and watched over by spirit. Although the curse may be creating minor problems, the malevolent energy cannot do him serious harm.

The final column reveals additional information to be considered. The Queen of Diamonds is a female energy worker. The Jack of Spades describes her nefarious thoughts. This woman is angry and resentful, and she harbors malicious intentions toward the querent. She is projecting her negative thoughts (Jack of Spades).

I find this reading to be particularly interesting because the answer to the question is “yes,” the querent's suspicions are affirmed. The woman is using black magic against him. This answer is confirmed by the Jack of Spades as the pivot card showing negative intentions. But the middle column shows that querent is protected from serious harm by his spirit guide, or perhaps by an ancestor (8 of Hearts) in spirit (Ace of Diamonds). Notice how the Jack turns away from the Ace. Spiritual protection is redirecting the negativity away from the querent. The Ace of Diamonds also suggests that a candle offering to the spirit being (8 of Hearts) will further strengthen the protection.